How To Take An Old Cat To A New Vet
Posted on: 13 January 2020
The ideal situation is that you'll stay with the same veterinarian throughout the life of your cat. However, as CNN points out, cats can live to be 20 years old or more. During that time, you're likely to move at least once. You may not find it feasible to take your cat to their old vet.
Older cats are those who are around 12 years and up. And, just like older humans, that's the time of their life they need medical attention the most. Smooth the transition of taking your old cat to a new vet.
Find a Vet Who Specializes in Cats
Veterinarians learn about all animals in school. However, with so many different anatomies and physiologies in play, you can't expect them to be experienced with all animals. They usually migrate to specific species.
Most vets who care for dogs can also care for cats. However, cats aren't small dogs — they have their own set of illnesses and issues. What's more, they react differently in new situations. Don't put your older cat through any more stress than needed. Find a vet who has a lot of experience with felines.
Get Your Cat's Medical Records
Before you leave your old vet's practice, make sure you get your cat's medical records. The records should include the cat's medical history, past surgeries, a record of vaccinations, and any other visits. If your cat takes medication, you should bring it along on your first visit with the new vet.
With older cats, these records may be long. So, familiarize yourself with the pertinent aspects of your cat's medical history before taking her to the new vet. You want to make sure you can point out anything that might be relevant to your cat's current health situation. You don't want the new vet to have to sift through records since something might get missed.
Prepare Other Background Information
Since the new vet won't have witnessed your cat's long life, you want to provide as complete a picture of the cat's health as possible. This information should include the types and amounts of food you give her. Also, inform the vet of any supplements you give her.
The new vet doesn't necessarily need to know about your cat's favorite toys. However, mention any changes in behavior you've noticed in her. Some important clues to look for are increased urination, reluctance to eat, and vomiting. Some symptoms can be related to stress from the move. However, they can also indicate an underlying disease.
Prepare well ahead of time so your older cat's first visit with her new vet is a successful one. Start by looking for a veterinarian hospital near you.