FAQs About Leaving Your Puppy At The Animal Hospital With Parvovirus

Posted on: 28 February 2022

Parvovirus is a serious disease that causes vomiting, respiratory symptoms, and severe dehydration in dogs. While it can affect dogs of any age, it tends to be most severe in puppies. Unfortunately, many puppies die from the disease, but there is some hope of recovery with proper vet care. That vet care usually includes a stay at the animal hospital. Here are some questions you might have as you put your puppy into the animal hospital with parvo.

How will the animal hospital treat the parvo?

Unfortunately, parvovirus is caused by a virus, and viral conditions are notoriously hard to treat. Antibiotics won't do anything, as they only work against bacterial illnesses. As such, the treatments your vet provides will be focused on helping your puppy's body fight the parvovirus itself. Your puppy will be given IV fluids to keep them hydrated. Staving off dehydration can help your puppy stay strong and able to fight off the virus. The vet may also give the puppy some vitamins and minerals to stimulate their immune system. 

Occasionally, a puppy will develop a secondary bacterial infection from bacteria that take over once the body has been weakened by parvo. If this occurs, your vet will administer antibiotics to help fight the secondary infection. With this bacterial infection handled, the body will have more resources left over to fight the parvo.

How will the animal hospital keep parvo from spreading to other dogs?

Since parvo is so contagious, the vet hospital will have to take steps to prevent other dogs in the facility from being exposed to the virus through your puppy. Many animal hospitals handle this by putting your puppy in a separate room, which can then be sanitized once your puppy leaves. While leaving your puppy alone in the room can seem sad, it really is the best way to keep other dogs in the vet hospital safe.

How long will the puppy need to stay at the hospital?

This all depends on how quickly your puppy responds to treatment. If they start looking more energetic and their fever comes down after a day or two, you can often take them home and continue treatment at home. Some puppies, however, need to stay at the vet hospital for a few more days. And sadly, some puppies do not recover, in spite of having proper vet care.

Having your puppy diagnosed with parvo can be really difficult. But rest assured that your vet hospital will do everything they can do to save them.

Contact an animal hospital near you for more information. 


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